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Monday, June 7, 2021

Facebook takes action against misinformation

Facebook announced the launch of a program designed to curb the spread of misinformation on the platform, including false or misleading information about important issues including COVID-19, vaccination efforts, climate change and politics.

The program will expand Facebook’s fact-checking initiatives and introduce penalties against Pages and individual users who repeatedly share misinformation with their networks.

Following the launch of the program, users can expect to see a few changes within the platform.

First of all, a warning pop-up will be displayed to users who try to like or follow a Page that has repeatedly shared content flagged by Facebook’s fact-checkers. The pop-up will explain why the Page has been flagged and give users the choice to move forward with the like or follow, or cancel the action. It will also offer more insight into the fact-checking program.

Helping People Make More Informed Decisions
Though we're committed to doing everything we can to reduce the spread of false news to as close to zero as possible, we also need to make sure we take steps to address the problem when people do encounter hoaxes. To that end, we're exploring ways to give people more context about stories so they can make more informed decisions about what to read, trust and share and ways to give people access to more perspectives about the topics that they're reading.

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